2025 - 2026 Calendar
Academy Day
(Michaelmas & Candlemas)
Park Days & Field Trips
Saint Thomas More Academy's calendar is organized around the life of the Church. We learn over three 12-week terms, Michaelmas, Candlemas, and Trinitytide. Each is bifurcated by a two-week break. Terms are broken by breaks for our highest feasts: Christmastide and Eastertide.
Michaelmas Term starts in mid-September as autumn approaches along with the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, breaks for Hallowtide, our remembrance of the Faithful Departed and All Saints, and ends before the O Antiphons begin. Christmastide Break gives families the chance to pray the O Antiphons with the whole Church, awaiting the birth of Our Lord, and then to celebrate fully the 12 days of Christmas. We return to Candlemas Term in mid-January, break for Shrovetide Break surrounding Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, breaks again for the Holy Triduum and Easter Octave, ending with our festive end-of-term events in Eastertide.
After Pentecost, we begin our Trinitytide Term, which takes a different character than Michaelmas and Candlemas. Honoring the natural seasons, our "summer" term incorporates camps emphasizing agricultural craft and other practical arts. While we meet weekly for Academy Day during Michaelmas and Candlemas, Trinitytide Term finds families in their gardens, traveling, and exploring instead of in the classroom weekly. We meet over the course of term for three Faires: Literary, Shakespeare, and Historical Heroes.
Michaelmas Term
Start of Term: Wk. of Sept. 16
Hallowtide Break: Oct. 28 & Nov. 4
End of Term: Wk. of Dec. 16
Park Days: TBA
Field Trips: TBA
Epiphany Pageant: Jan. 6
Candlemas Term
Start of Term: Wk. of Jan. 13
Shrovetide Break:
Eastertide Break: Apr. 7
End of Term: Wk. of Apr. 21
Park Days: TBA
Field Trips: TBA
Field Day: Apr. 28
End-of-Term Recitation: May 2
Trinitytide Term
Home Curriculum Only
(No Academy Day)
Start of Term: Wk. of May 25
Break: variable
End of Term: Wk. of Aug. 24
Trinitytide Camp Dates: TBA
Shakespeare Faire: TBA
Literary Faire: TBA
Historical Heroes Faire: TBA